Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Feast Day

We celebrated St. Joseph's feast day on March 19th this year for the first time since we lived in Louisiana.

We created an altar:

Complete with traditional treats: Chocolate Pizelles, creme puffs and breads in the shape of fish, St. Joseph's staff and lilies.

We also had the Itailian flag and a triptyct of St. Joseph I made:

For dinner we had pasta with chicken and Italian cheese bread:

Everyone had a good time and plenty to eat. We also found room for Rita's Italian Ice afterward.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Art Class

Composition done by me in my kids art class.

Monday, November 09, 2009

More Halloween

Inspired by hours of listening hours of Abney Park, my son and I went as airship pirates for Halloween. It was too hard to explain steampunk to everyone so Isaac said he's a pirate and I stuck with "I'm a pilot."

Here is pirate t-shirt that I wore under my airship pirate costume. Created using a skull stencil I made and puffy paint.

Here is Isaac's costume:

I added the pirate flag when we went to Toys R Us trick or treat.

Lego Republic Gunship

Here is the latest project my son and I worked on:

We couldn't find all the gray pieces we needed so a last minute yellow color scheme came into play:

The cargo bay is used for extra troop support.

Here is the side view with the pulse cannon:

Here is the rear cannon and back landing hatch.

The top cannons have to be removed to reveal the rear gunner seat:

Pilot cockpits:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Fun

Here's a few drawings I did with Isaac in art class. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Agents Sets!

While my parents we visiting we took another trip to the Lego store again. We were surprised to see they had the new Agents 2.0 sets!

The kids got Dr. Infernos Robot Attack 8970 for their birthday presents from Nana:

This has to be the coolest set ever! A huge claw crushing robot with flame thrower! The best part is the light up brick in the hand so the flames light up. A+ Plus we have Dr. Inferno and didn't have to drop $100.

And I got Goldtooth's Getaway 8967:

Very nice new Agent mini-fig and I really like the new Agents vests in these sets.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lego Agents Agents: Mission 5

Check out my version of LEGO 8634 Agents Mission 5: Turbo-Car Chase. Once again the color scheme turns out gray and black. Oh well. I have Agent Chase and the sticker left over from 8631 Jetpack Pursuit to add. My son finished it off with the chrome engine cover.

I'll post the helicopter when I finish it.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Naruto Vector Art

Vector art of Naruto for a t-shirt.Link: naruto.svg

Lego Pirate Skull

The Lego Pirate Skull on a flag.
Link: lego pirate skull.svg