Monday, August 13, 2007

Lincoln Logs for the Republic

This weekend the kids and I launched a military campaign after visiting one of my co-workers garage sale and purchasing a large box of Lincoln Logs for 25 cents.

Heather claimed they were for educational purposed so we agreed to pick them up and hey for 25 cents why not. I suggested we could build an outpost for the Republic because of their recent enthusiasm for the Clone Wars after reading the graphic novel they got from the library.

So we set it up and then the troops arrived. We then plotted to stop the attack of the Droid army. There was even the capture of the bounty hunter Aurra Sing.

Not bad. An afternoon of fun for 25 cents, can’t beat it!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I am not sure what I am going to do with this yet but here is what I am currently working on in Illustrator. I have seen a few designs with the light zapper. I want to make something different looking. Maybe it will come to me. I'll keep posted.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's been a long time coming . . .

It's been a long time. The only thing I have done as of late is another design for Jinx! I am going to send it soon and keep my fingers crossed!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Captain Power

Isaac (my 3 1/2 year old son) and I were playing with Star Wars figures the other day and I got out my Captain Power ship for him to use. The batteries were dead so I replaced them. As I was putting on the cover I noticed the copyright on the ship: 1986. That didn't seem old to me until I thought about the fact that I got this ship for birthday when I was 10, 21 years ago. Man am I old.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shaak Ti

I forgot to post this. I meant to when I was finished with it. It took a little of my lunch each day at work for about a week. This is from the Clone Wars version of Shaak Ti. I made it from a small jpg I found into a desktop. Enjoy!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sacred Art

Here is my venture into sacred art. I am going to try and do more of this genre when I can. I enjoy pencil drawing but the computer is much easier. We will see where the Lord leads me.


I also submitted a few designs to awhile back. If they use your design you get $100 for your idea and $500 if you send the art and they use it! Thought I could at least give it a try. Here is their disclaimer though :

IMPORTANT: Please do *not* contact us with any questions or updates regarding your idea submission(s). You will only be notified if your idea/design is picked.

It may also take up to a year or more to contact you if they pick your design. Keeping my fingers crossed.


So it's official. I am a two time loser for the PSWCS (Pennsylvania Star Wars Collecting Society) t-shirt contest. I like the design. It came in tied for second last year. Not even close this year. I think I will keep submitting until I win.